Navigating Data and Security Challenges in Generative AI: A Deep Dive into User Data Integration

Ryan Sevey
10 min readMay 22, 2023



In the rapidly evolving world of generative AI, the integration of user data into large language models presents a unique set of challenges. From ensuring data privacy and ownership to maintaining data freshness, these challenges require robust solutions. In this post, we delve into the intricacies of data and security issues in the generative AI space, with a particular focus on platforms like OpenAI and Anthropic. We also explore how solutions like Mantium are addressing these challenges, providing a comprehensive approach to data management and security. Join us as we navigate this complex landscape, shedding light on the critical task of responsibly and securely integrating user data into generative AI models.

Unsecured data storage, Inadequate Access Controls, Insufficient Encryption, Absence of Security Certifications — as depictired by AI.

Security Overview

In the realm of generative AI, the importance of security cannot be overstated. These platforms often deal with sensitive data, encompassing personal details and proprietary business information. A lapse in security could result in data theft, privacy infringements, and substantial harm to a company’s reputation.

There are several potential security pitfalls in this domain:

  1. Unsecured Data Storage: One of the most significant security risks in the generative AI space is the unsecured storage of sensitive data. This includes API keys or OAuth tokens, which, if stored in plain text, can be easily accessed and misused if an unauthorized individual gains access to the storage location.
  2. Inadequate Access Controls: Proper access controls are crucial in preventing unauthorized access to sensitive data or vital system functions. Without these controls in place, there’s a risk of unauthorized users gaining access to critical data.
  3. Insufficient Encryption: Encryption is a vital security measure for data both in transit and at rest. Any data transmitted over the network should be encrypted to prevent interception, and sensitive data stored should also be encrypted to protect it from unauthorized access.
  4. Absence of Security Certifications: Security certifications, such as SOC 2 Type II, serve as a testament to a company’s commitment to adhering to security best practices. The absence of such certifications could signal potential security vulnerabilities.

At the time of writing this article, it’s concerning to note that some open-source projects appear to be violating a number of security principles. Perhaps the most egregious violation is the storage of secrets in plain text. This practice is a significant security risk, as it makes sensitive data easily accessible to anyone who gains unauthorized access to the storage location.

An Example:

To highlight and provide an unbiased opinion on the security issues faced by some generative AI companies, we decided to paste the relevant source code into GPT 4 to ask it to highlight the security issues within the opensource project:

Security Deep Dive

As we delve deeper into the security landscape of the generative AI space, it becomes clear that each of the potential pitfalls we’ve identified requires careful consideration and robust solutions. Let’s take a closer look at each of these issues and discuss some of the strategies for mitigating these risks.

  1. Unsecured Data Storage: Storing sensitive data such as API keys or OAuth tokens in plain text is akin to leaving your house keys under the doormat. It’s a significant security risk that can lead to unauthorized access and misuse of data. To mitigate this risk, sensitive data should be stored securely, using encryption or secure managed services. Additionally, regular audits of data storage practices can help identify and rectify any potential vulnerabilities.
  2. Inadequate Access Controls: Without proper access controls, sensitive data and critical system functions are left vulnerable to unauthorized access. Implementing robust access controls involves defining user roles and permissions, ensuring that each user has access only to the data and functions necessary for their role. Additionally, the principle of least privilege, which involves providing the minimum levels of access necessary for a user to perform their duties, can further enhance security.
  3. Insufficient Encryption: Encryption is a critical line of defense in securing data, both in transit and at rest. Data transmitted over the network should be encrypted using secure protocols such as HTTPS, while data at rest should be encrypted using strong encryption algorithms. Regularly updating encryption protocols and conducting security audits can help ensure that encryption practices remain robust and up-to-date.
  4. Absence of Security Certifications: Security certifications, such as SOC 2 Type II, provide assurance that a company is following best practices for security. Companies operating in the generative AI space should strive to obtain these certifications, as they not only provide a benchmark for security practices but also help build trust with users. Regular third-party audits can help identify any potential security weaknesses and guide the company towards achieving these certifications.

In the realm of generative AI, security is a multifaceted challenge that requires a comprehensive approach. By addressing these issues head-on and implementing robust security measures, companies can not only protect sensitive data but also build trust with users, fostering a secure and responsible AI ecosystem

Mitigating the Risk

Here are some ways to mitigate these risks:

  1. Secure Data Storage: Store sensitive data like API keys or OAuth tokens securely. This could involve encrypting the data before storage or using a secure storage service designed for sensitive data.
  2. Implement Access Controls: Use access controls to ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive data or critical system functions. This could involve role-based access control (RBAC), where each user has a role that determines their access level.
  3. Use Encryption: Encrypt data both in transit and at rest. This ensures that even if the data is intercepted or accessed without authorization, it can’t be read without the encryption key.
  4. Obtain Security Certifications: Work towards obtaining security certifications like SOC 2 Type II. These certifications provide assurance that your company follows best practices for security.
  5. Regular Security Audits: Conduct regular security audits to identify and address potential security weaknesses. This could involve internal audits or hiring an external auditor for an unbiased assessment.

Generative AI can help

Earlier, we highlighted issues with one opensource project / company. Following up on the identified security risks and issues, OpenAI GPT4 was able to offer some recommendations on how to increase security:

Do note, OpenAI’s GPT4 does recommend engaging with a security expert as well. Engineers who are security experts are rare, and expensive. We contend that generative AI systems are likely better than the current status quo.

By addressing these issues, companies in the generative AI space can significantly enhance their security, protect their users’ data, and build trust with their users.

Data Overview

In the generative AI space, the use of large language models often necessitates the handling of vast amounts of data. A significant portion of this data can be private or proprietary, belonging to individual users or businesses. The desire to leverage such data in systems like OpenAI or Anthropic presents its own set of unique challenges and considerations.

Private and proprietary data can range from personal information to business-sensitive data. The use of such data in generative AI models can greatly enhance the models’ effectiveness and applicability. However, this must be balanced against the need to protect the privacy and ownership rights of the data.

Another critical aspect to consider is the freshness of the data. Systems like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, as of now, are trained on data up to 2021. This can lead to outdated responses, especially in rapidly evolving fields like technology. For instance, technical documentation from 2021 may no longer be relevant or accurate. This is another reason why users may wish to bring their own, more recent data into the system.

Several key issues arise when dealing with private or proprietary data in this context:

  1. Data Privacy: Ensuring that private data remains confidential and is used in a manner that respects user privacy is paramount. This includes preventing unauthorized access and ensuring that the data is not inadvertently exposed in the model’s output.
  2. Data Ownership: When proprietary data is used, it’s crucial to respect the ownership rights of the data. This involves obtaining necessary permissions for use and ensuring that the use of the data does not infringe on the owner’s rights.
  3. Data Security: Protecting data from unauthorized access, theft, or loss is a critical concern. This involves implementing robust security measures, including encryption and access controls.
  4. Data Governance: Proper data governance practices are needed to manage the use of private and proprietary data. This includes defining clear policies for data use, storage, and deletion, as well as ensuring compliance with relevant regulations.
  5. Data Freshness: Ensuring that the data used to train the models is up-to-date is crucial for maintaining the relevance and accuracy of the model’s output. This involves regularly updating the training data and allowing users to supplement the model’s training data with their own, more recent data.

Data Deep Dive

As we delve deeper into the data landscape of the generative AI space, it becomes clear that each of the potential challenges we’ve identified requires careful consideration and robust solutions. Let’s take a closer look at each of these issues and discuss some of the strategies for mitigating these risks.

  1. Data Privacy: Ensuring the privacy of user data is a complex task that requires a multi-faceted approach. This includes implementing robust security measures to prevent unauthorized access, using anonymization techniques to protect user identities, and ensuring that the AI model does not inadvertently expose private data in its output. Additionally, clear privacy policies and user agreements can help set expectations and build trust with users.
  2. Data Ownership: Respecting data ownership rights is crucial when using proprietary data. This involves obtaining necessary permissions for use, respecting the terms of these permissions, and ensuring that the use of the data does not infringe on the owner’s rights. Clear data usage policies and agreements can help clarify ownership rights and responsibilities.
  3. Data Security: Protecting data from unauthorized access, theft, or loss is a critical concern. This involves implementing robust security measures, including encryption, secure data storage, and access controls. Regular security audits can help identify and rectify potential vulnerabilities.
  4. Data Governance: Proper data governance involves defining clear policies for data use, storage, and deletion, and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations. This includes implementing data lifecycle management practices, maintaining a data inventory, and regularly reviewing and updating data governance policies.
  5. Data Freshness: Ensuring that the data used to train the models is up-to-date is crucial for maintaining the relevance and accuracy of the model’s output. This involves regularly updating the training data and allowing users to supplement the model’s training data with their own, more recent data. Clear policies and mechanisms for data updates can help maintain data freshness.

Mantium: A Solution to Data and Security Challenges in Generative AI

Navigating the complex landscape of data and security in the generative AI space can be a daunting task. However, solutions like Mantium are designed to address these challenges head-on, providing robust data management and security features.

Data Source Integration

Data source integration is a critical feature for any generative AI platform. Mantium stands out by offering unlimited data source integration with its paid plans, providing users with the flexibility to connect and leverage data from a wide range of sources. This feature is particularly valuable for users looking to bring their own private or proprietary data into the system.

Mantium Data Sources

Data Syncing

Ensuring that data is consistent across all devices and platforms is crucial for a seamless user experience. Mantium offers data syncing across all its plans, with the frequency of syncing increasing with higher-tier plans. This ensures that the data used by the AI models is always up-to-date, addressing the issue of data freshness.

Mantium syncing my Notion data every 12 hours.

Data Connector Robustness: The Notion Case

The robustness of a platform’s data connectors is a key factor in its ability to handle complex data sources. Notion, a popular tool for note-taking, project management, and more, serves as an excellent example. Notion’s data is structured into blocks, pages, and databases, with pages further broken down into numerous block types.

Handling all these block types is a challenging task, and Mantium is the only platform on the market in the generative AI space that has successfully achieved this. This commitment to data connector robustness ensures that Mantium users can fully leverage their Notion data, regardless of its complexity.

In addition to these features, Mantium also implements robust security measures to protect user data, including encryption, secure data storage, and access controls. It also respects data ownership rights and implements proper data governance practices.

In conclusion, Mantium provides a comprehensive solution to the data and security challenges in the generative AI space. By addressing these issues head-on and implementing robust data management and security practices, Mantium not only enhances the effectiveness of AI models but also builds trust with users, fostering a responsible and secure AI ecosystem.



Ryan Sevey

AI visionary & Mantium CEO. Empowering businesses with accessible machine learning. Innovator, collaborator, future-shaper. Let's transform together.